MiGA workflow
MiGA Workflow
This is the general overview of the MiGA workflow:
For each step, performed analyses may include the use of external Software, and produce one or more result files (indexed in a hash). In most steps, different utilities from the Enveomics Collection are used in addition to the Software detailed below. Some files are mandatory to continue with the analysis (marked with req), some can be gzipped during or after the analysis (marked with gz), and some are directories (marked with dir).
List of individual steps
Dataset Results
Raw Reads
This step is never actually performed by MiGA, instead it serves as the entry point for raw reads input.
Supported file keys:
For single reads only
(req, gz): FastQ file containing the raw reads
For paired-end reads only
(req, gz): FastQ file containing the raw forward readspair2
(req, gz): FastQ file containing the raw reverse reads
For single reads only
: Total number of readslength_average
: Average read length (in bp)length_standard_deviation
: Standard deviation of read length (in bp)g_c_content
: G+C content of all reads (in %)x_content
: Undetermined bases content of all reads (in %)a_t_skew
: A-T sequence skew across all reads (in %)g_c_skew
: G-C sequence skew across all reads (in %)
For paired-end reads only
: Total number of read pairsforward_length_average
: Average forward read length (in bp)forward_length_standard_deviation
: Standard deviation of forward readlength (in bp)
: G+C content of forward reads (in %)forward_x_content
: Undetermined bases content of forward reads (in %)forward_a_t_skew
: A-T sequence skew across forward reads (in %)forward_g_c_skew
: G-C sequence skew across forward reads (in %)reverse_length_average
: Same as above, for reverse readsreverse_x_content
: Undetermined bases content of reverse reads (in %)reverse_a_t_skew
: A-T sequence skew across reverse reads (in %)reverse_g_c_skew
: G-C sequence skew across reverse reads (in %)
MiGA symbol: raw_reads
Trimmed Reads
This is part of Trimming & read quality in the above diagram. In this step, MiGA trims reads by Phred quality score 20 (Q20) and minimum length of 50bp using SolexaQA++, and clips potential adapter contamination using Scythe (reapplying the length filter). If the reads are paired, only pairs passing the filters are used.
Supported file keys:
For single reads only
(req, gz): FastQ file containing trimmed/clipped reads
For paired-end reads only
(req, gz): FastQ file containing trimmed/clipped forward readspair2
(req, gz): FastQ file containing trimmed/clipped reverse readssingle
(req, gz): FastQ file containing trimmed/clipped reads withonly one sister passing quality control
For either type
: Raw text file containing a summary of the trimmedsequences
MiGA symbol: trimmed_reads
Read Quality
This is a quality-control step included as part of Trimming & read quality in the diagram above. In this step, MiGA generates quality reports of the trimmed/clipped reads using SolexaQA++ and FastQC.
Supported file keys:
(dir): Folder containing the SolexaQA++ quality-controlsummaries
(dir): Folder containing the FastQC quality-control analyses
MiGA symbol: read_quality
Trimmed FastA
This is the final step included in Trimming & read quality in the diagram above, in which MiGA generates FastA files with the trimmed/clipped reads.
Supported file keys:
(req for coupled reads, unlesspair1
exist):Interposed FastA file containing quality-checked paired reads. If this file
doesn't exist, it is automatically generated from
(req for single reads, gz for coupled reads): FastA file withquality-checked single-end reads
(gz): FastA file containing forward sisters of quality-checkedpaired-end reads
(gz): FastA file containing reverse sisters of quality-checkedpaired-end reads
: Total number of readslength_average
: Average read length (in bp)length_standard_deviation
: Standard deviation of read length (in bp)g_c_content
: G+C content of all reads (in %)x_content
: Undetermined bases content of all reads (in %)a_t_skew
: A-T sequence skew across all reads (in %)g_c_skew
: G-C sequence skew across all reads (in %)
MiGA symbol: trimmed_fasta
In this step MiGA assembles trimmed FastA reads using IDBA-UD.
Supported file keys:
(req): FastA file containing large contigs or scaffolds(>1Kbp)
: FastA file containing all contigs or scaffolds (includinglarge)
(dir): Folder containing some intermediate files generatedduring the assembly
: Total number of (large) contigsn50
: N50 of (large) contigs (in bp)total_length
: Total length of large contigs (in bp)longest_sequence
: Length of the longest contig (in bp)n_content
: Undetermined bases content of large contigs (in %)g_c_content
: G+C content of large contigs (in %)x_content
: Undetermined bases content of large contigs (in %)a_t_skew
: A-T sequence skew across large contigs (in %)g_c_skew
: G-C sequence skew across large contigs (in %)
MiGA symbol: assembly
This step corresponds to Gene prediction in the diagram above. MiGA predicts coding sequences (putative genes and proteins) using Prodigal.
Supported file keys:
(req): FastA file containing translated protein sequencesgenes
: FastA file containing putative gene sequencesgff3
(gz): GFF v3 file containing the coordinates of coding sequencesThis file is not required, but MyTaxa depends on it (or
, whichever is available)gff2
(gz): GFF v2 file containing the coordinates of coding sequencesThis file is not produced by MiGA, but it's supported for backwards
compatibility with earlier versions using MetaGeneMark
(gz): Tabular-delimited file containing the columns: gene ID, genelength, and contig ID. This file is not produced by MiGA, but it's supported
to allow MyTaxa to run when more detailed information about the
gene prediction is missing
: Total number of predicted proteinsaverage_length
: Average length of predicted proteins (in aa)coding_density
: Coding density of the genome (in %)codon_table
: Optimal coding table (4 or 11)
MiGA symbol: cds
Essential Genes
In this step, MiGA uses HMM.essential.rb
from the Enveomics Collection to identify a set of genes typically present in single-copy in Bacterial and Archaeal genomes. In this step, protein translations of those essential genes are extracted for other analyses in MiGA (e.g., hAAI in distances) or outside (e.g., phylogeny or MLSA for diversity analyses). In addition, this step generates a report that can be used for quality control including estimations of completeness and contamination (for genomes) and median number of copies of single-copy genes (for metagenomes and viromes).
Supported file keys:
(req): FastA file containing all extracted protein translationsfrom essential genes (.faa) or archived collection (proteins.tar.gz)
(req): Folder containing individual FastA files with proteintranslations from essential genes
(req): Raw text report including derived statistics, as well asessential genes missing or detected in multiple copies (for genomes) or
copy counts (for metagenomes and viromes)
: Generated for all genomes (non-multi types). It contains thebest matching protein for each detected model aligned to the model
: If present, this is the original report, and it indicates that acorrected report has been generated to accomodate particular features of the
For metagenomes and viromes
: Average copy number across essential genesmedian_copies
: Median copy number across essential genes
For genomes
: Estimated completeness of the genome, based on presence ofessential genes (in %)
: Estimated contamination of the genome, based on copy numberof essential genes (in %)
: Completeness - 5 x Contamination
MiGA symbol: essential_genes
In this step, MiGA detects small-subunit rRNA genes (16S) using Barrnap and extracts their sequences using Bedtools.
Supported file keys:
(req): FastA file containing the longest detected SSUgene
(gz): GFF v3 file containing the location of detected SSU genesall_ssu_genes
(gz): FastA file containing all the detected SSU genes
: Total number of detected SSU fragmentscomplete_ssu
: Number of complete SSU locimax_length
: Length of the longest detected SSU fragment
MiGA symbol: ssu
This step is only supported for metagenomes and viromes, and it requires the (optional) MyTaxa requirements installed.
In this step, the most likely taxonomic classification of each contig is identified using MyTaxa, and a report is generated using Krona.
Supported file keys:
(req): Output generated by MyTaxablast
(gz): BLAST against the reference genomes databasemytaxain
(gz): Re-formatted BLAST used as input for MyTaxanomytaxa
: If it exists, MiGA assumes no support for MyTaxa modules, and noneof the above files are required
: Profile of species composition (in permil) as raw tab-delimitedtext
: Profile of genus composition (in permil) as raw tab-delimited textphylum
: Profile of phylum composition (in permil) as raw tab-delimited textinnominate
: List of innominate taxa (groups without a name but containinglower-rank classifications) as raw text
: Raw-text list of taxa used as input for Kronakrona
: HTML output produced by Krona
MiGA symbol: mytaxa
MyTaxa Scan
This step is only supported for genomes (dataset types genome, popgenome, and scgenome), and it requires the (optional) MyTaxa requirements installed.
In this step, the genomes are scanned in windows of ten genes. For each window, the taxonomic distribution is determined using MyTaxa and compared against the distribution for the entire genome. This is a quality-control step for manual curation.
Supported file keys:
(req): MyTaxa outputreport
(req): PDF file containing the graphic reportregions_archive
(gz): Archived folder containing FastA files with thesequences of the genes in regions identified as abnormal
: If it exists, MiGA assumes no support for MyTaxa modules, and noneof the above files are required
Deprecated file keys:
: Taxonomic distribution of each windowblast
(gz): BLAST against the reference genomes databasemytaxain
(gz): Re-formatted BLAST used as input for MyTaxaregions
(dir): Folder containing FastA files with the sequences of thegenes in regions identified as abnormal
: List of genes per windowregion_ids
: List of regions identified as abnormal
MiGA symbol: mytaxa_scan
This step is only supported for genomes (dataset types genome, popgenome, and scgenome). In this step, each dataset is compared against all other datasets in the project. If the dataset is a reference dataset, it is compared against all other reference datasets in the project. If it's a query dataset, it is compared iteratively against medoids. For more details on the strategy used in this step, see the manual section on distances.
Supported file keys:
For reference datasets
(req): SQLite3 database containing hAAI valuesaai_db
: SQLite3 database containing AAI valuesani_db
: SQLite3 database containing ANI values
For query datasets
(req except for clades projects): Best hits among medoidsat different hierarchical levels in the AAI indexing
(req for clades projects): Best hits among medoids atdifferent hierarchical levels in the ANI indexing
(req): SQLite3 database containing hAAI valuesaai_db
: SQLite3 database containing AAI valuesani_db
: SQLite3 database containing ANI valuesref_tree
: Newick file with the Bio-NJ tree including queried medoids andthe query dataset
: PDF rendering ofref_tree
: Raw text result of the taxonomy test against the reference genome
MiGA symbol: distances
This step is only supported for genomes (dataset types genome, popgenome, and scgenome) that are reference datasets, in projects with a set reference project (:ref_project
in metadata).
In this step, MiGA compares the genome against a reference project using the query search method, and imports the resulting taxonomy with p-value below 0.05 (or whichever value is set as :tax_pvalue
in metadata).
Supported file keys:
: Raw text result of the taxonomy test against the reference genomeaai_medoids
(req except for reference clades projects): Best hits amongmedoids at different hierarchical levels in the AAI indexing
(req for reference clades projects): Best hits among medoidsat different hierarchical levels in the ANI indexing
(req): SQLite3 database containing hAAI valuesaai_db
: SQLite3 database containing AAI valuesani_db
: SQLite3 database containing ANI valuesref_tree
: Newick file with the Bio-NJ tree including queried medoids andthe query dataset
: PDF rendering ofref_tree
: Name of the reference dataset with highest AAIaai
: AAI to the closest relativedomain_pvalue
:Empirical p-values for classification at each rank with respect to the closest
relative, based on the observed AAI
MiGA symbol: taxonomy
In this step, MiGA traces back all the results of the dataset and estimates summary statistics. In addition, it cleans any stored values in the distances database including datasets no longer registered in the project.
No supported file keys.
MiGA symbol: stats
Project Results
Once all datasets have been pre-processed (i.e., once all the results above are available for all reference datasets), MiGA executes the following project-wide steps:
hAAI Distances
Consolidation of hAAI distances.
Supported file keys:
(req): Pairwise values in adata.frame
(req): Pairwise values in a raw tab-delimited filelog
(req): List of datasets included in the matrixhist
: Histogram of hAAI values as raw tab-delimited file
MiGA symbol: haai_distances
AAI Distances
Consolidation of AAI distances.
Supported file keys:
(req): Pairwise values in adata.frame
(req): Pairwise values in a raw tab-delimited filelog
(req): List of datasets included in the matrixhist
: Histogram of AAI values as raw tab-delimited file
MiGA symbol: aai_distances
ANI Distances
Consolidation of ANI distances.
Supported file keys:
(req): Pairwise values in adata.frame
(req): Pairwise values in a raw tab-delimited filelog
(req): List of datasets included in the matrixhist
: Histogram of ANI values as raw tab-delimited file
MiGA symbol: ani_distances
Clade Finding
This step is only supported for project types genomes and clade.
In this step, MiGA attempts to identify clades at species level or above using a combination of ANI and AAI values. MiGA generates AAI clades in this step for genomes projects. Clades proposed at AAI > 90% and ANI > 95% are formed using the Markov Clustering algorithm implemented in MCL. Most distance manipulation and tree estimation and manipulation utilities use the R packages Ape and Vegan.
Supported file keys:
(req forgenomes
): PDF file including a graphic report for theclustering
(req forgenomes
): Tab-delimited file containing theclassification of all datasets in AAI clusters
(req forgenomes
): Newick file containing the classificationof all datasets in AAI clusters as a dendrogram
(req forgenomes
): Tab-delimited file containing thehighest-level classification of each dataset, the medoid of the cluster, and
the AAI against the corresponding medoid
(req forgenomes
): List of medoids per clusteraai_tree
: Bio-NJ tree based on AAI distances in Newick formatproposal
(req): Proposed species-level clades in the project, based onclades_ani95
. One line per proposed clade, with tab-delimited dataset names.Only clades with 5 or more members are included
: Clades formed at AAI > 90%. One clade per line, withcomma-delimited dataset names
: Clades formed at ANI > 95%. One clade per line, withcomma-delimited dataset names
: List ofclades_ani95
datasets with the smallest ANIdistance to all members of its own ANI95 clade. The list is in the same order
MiGA symbol: clade_finding
This step is only supported for project type clade.
In this step, MiGA attempts to identify clades below species level using ANI values. MiGA generates ANI clades in this step. Most distance manipulation and tree estimation and manipulation utilities use the R packages Ape and Vegan.
Supported file keys:
(req): PDF file including a graphic report for the clusteringclass_table
(req): Tab-delimited file containing the classification of alldatasets in ANI clusters
(req): Newick file containing the classification of alldatasets in ANI clusters as a dendrogram
(req): Tab-delimited file containing the highest-levelclassification of each dataset, the medoid of the cluster, and
the ANI against the corresponding medoid
(req): List of medoids per clusterani_tree
: Bio-NJ tree based on AAI distances in Newick format
MiGA symbol: subclades
This step is only supported for project type clade.
In this step, MiGA generates groups of orthology using reciprocal best matches between all pairs of datasets in the project. Groups are generated using MCL with pairs weighted by bit score. Once computed, MiGA uses the matrix of OGS to estimate summary and rarefied statistics.
Supported file keys:
(req): Matrix of orthology groups, as tab-delimited raw filestats
(req): Summary statistics in JSON formatabc
(gz): When available, it includes all the individual RBM files inABC format. This file is typically produced as intermediate result and
removed before finishing, but can be maintained using
miga update -P . -m clean_ogs=false
in the project folder using thecore_pan
: Summary statistics of rarefied core-genome/pangenome sizes intab-delimited format
: Plot of rarefied core-genome/pangenome sizes in PDF
MiGA symbol: ogs
Project Stats
In this step, MiGA traces back all the results of the project and estimates summary statistics.
Supported file keys:
(req): Index of datasets per taxonomy in JSON formatmetadata_index
(req): Searchable index of datasets metadata as SQLite3database
MiGA symbol: project_stats
Last updated